Oriana Ivković Novokmet, izvršna direktorica GONG-a, govori kako je prvi izborni krug za predsjednika RH bio regularan, ali upozorava da su u kampanji putem društvenih mreža dominirale anonimne diskreditacije i blaćenja, posebno kandidatkinje Ivane Kekin Kao što je poznato, sve do 11. siječnja traje kampanja za drugi krug predsjedničkih izbora. GONG, kao i posljednjih 27 godina, prati izbornu […]
This article discusses accusations of Prime Minister Plenković threatening the NGO GONG, which monitors elections in Croatia.
The main idea is that the government, particularly Prime Minister Plenković, is attempting to stifle GONG's work by:
* Publicly questioning their independence
* Threatening their future funding
* Launching online attacks (blaćenje) against them
GONG counters these accusations, asserting their commitment to fair and transparent elections and their refusal to be silenced.
The article emphasizes the long-standing importance of GONG's role in Croatian democracy and highlights the government's attempt to marginalize them.
This article discusses accusations of Prime Minister Plenković threatening the NGO GONG, which monitors elections in Croatia. The main idea is that the government, particularly Prime Minister Plenković, is attempting to stifle GONG's work by: * Publicly questioning their independence * Threatening their future funding * Launching online attacks (blaćenje) against them GONG counters these accusations, asserting their commitment to fair and transparent elections and their refusal to be silenced. The article emphasizes the long-standing importance of GONG's role in Croatian democracy and highlights the government's attempt to marginalize them.